
All ideas streamlined into a single flow of creativity. Smiltė.

LA offices

The line of your lips, 2021


I have traveled your body so many times that I can imagine its shape without seeing it. I can visualize the perfect curve that your lips describe when, through an intense light, a cut is drawn that is born from the shadow formed by the depth of chiaroscuro. That place is a magical paradise in which I live more with the idea than with the eyes.


He recorrido tantas veces tu cuerpo que puedo imaginar su forma sin verlo. Puedo visualizar la curva perfecta que describen tus labios cuando, a través de una luz intensa, se dibuja un recorte que nace de la sombra formado por la profundidad del claroscuro. Ese lugar es un mágico paraíso en el que habito más con la idea que con los ojos.